Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Can you drive from the US to japan?

Can you drive from the US to japan?
yyeeeaaaahhh..no i definetly dont think so...youd have to drive under the ocean wich is impossible..doh..0.0

what is return of service? can a court issue it?


what is return of service? can a court issue it?


When a document must be served on a party (a divorce summons, a contempt motion, a motion for modification, etc.) the paper is given to a judicial marshal who serves the paper and then signs a document called a "return of service" stating that he/she served the paper on the party on such-and-such a date in such-and-such a manner. That Marshal's Return is then (usually) sent to the attorney or person who initiated the service. Sometimes it is sent directly to the court, but the bottom line is that the court can't proceed with the case (motion, or whatever) unless that Marshal's Return is in the court file.

I live in texas and my husband took off with my kids and left them with his mom can I go get my kids with having any trouble with the law?


I live in texas and my husband took off with my kids and left them with his mom can I go get my kids with having any trouble with the law?


As long as there is no court order addressing child custody, either parent is entitled to custody of the children over anyone else. You might want to bring a police officer with you..

What happens in a single parent family?

What happens in a single parent family?
In my experience, the parent moves in with their parents until they meet someone else/ get back on their feet.

Will coil packs cause car to loose power?

Will coil packs cause car to loose power?
Yes. It will seem like your car is "bogged down" or has a loss of power. But before replacing a coil pack, try removing a spark plug and seeing if those need to be changed.

Its core business and focus is insurance?

Its core business and focus is insurance?

How can you reduce cost insurance of the company?

How can you reduce cost insurance of the company?
Make it a L.L.C. or L.L.P. A sole proprietorship has low insurance. If you incorporate it and separate business from personal, it will increase insurance.

Use Civil War in a sentence?

Use Civil War in a sentence?
The civil war was a war fought in the 17th century.
There. Too easy.

How do you get meta cooler?

How do you get meta cooler?
Go to evelution z then mix Cooler with remodling surgery.

Can a parking lot avoid liability for damage to my car by posting a sign saying they are not liable for such damage?


Can a parking lot avoid liability for damage to my car by posting a sign saying they are not liable for such damage?



i own my house with my sister in law. my husband is not on the mortgage. she does not have a will. if i die before them, how can i make sure...


i own my house with my sister in law. my husband is not on the mortgage. she does not have a will. if i die before them, how can i make sure my children inherit the property?


How is the house titled on the deed? Were you married when you bought the house? Does anybody have a will?



Have an attorney review the documents including those John mentioned. If it is important to you then it is worth the attorney fee to be sure you understand.


The most important question is the one you do not answer. Look at the deed under the heading "grantees". How are you and your sister listed?

If you are listed as you and sister, as joint tenants with right of survivorship (and these magic words must be there) then the property will automatically pass to the survivor and there is nothing you can do about it unless you change the deed.

If there are no magic words and you and your sister are listed as grantees, then you are both tenants in common. What this means is that if either one you dies first, the survivor will still keep their 50% of the property but the other 50% will go to the estate of the survivor. If your sister dies first, then the land will pass to her spouse and/or children, if any. If she is single with no kids then to your parents but if they are dead then to you. If you die first, your 50% will go to your kids and/or spouse unless you make a will saying otherwise.

Both of you need to get a little smart here. There is simply no excuse for your sister not having a will. Wills are not all that expensive and even if she does not want to see a lawyer there are do-it-yourself will kits (my preference would be for her to see a lawyer but a will by kit is better than nothing provided that it is filled out correctly).

You also need a will to make sure that the land and other assets pass to your children. Take the deed and other information to an estate planning lawyer in your area.

What the color of the star fish?

What the color of the star fish?
Blue, unless you're blind.

My wife and I live in Maine.We are 68 and 66 respectively. We own our home. If we were to go to a nursing home would our home be taken as pa...


My wife and I live in Maine.We are 68 and 66 respectively. We own our home. If we were to go to a nursing home would our home be taken as payment and could our 401 also be taken? Should we sell our house to our children? Help.


Your question is a common one, and relates to planning for Mainecare benefits and privately paying for assisted living. There are no quick answers as the rules for benefits are complex and all facts of a client's life and assets are needed to be known. However, in simplistic terms, a primary residence will be used to secure a lien during your lifetimes, but it will not be sold during your lifetimes. If you do sell your asset, there is a lookback period of as much as a 5 years. Feel free to call my associate Eleanor Dominguez at 767-4824 for more information, or she can perhaps refer you to an experienced attorney in Aroostock County or perhaps Bangor.
