Friday, March 27, 2015

I have a judgment against me in dauphin county, penna. the judge ordered me to make monthlypayments of $150.00. my last payment is july 2015...


I have a judgment against me in dauphin county, penna. the judge ordered me to make monthly

payments of $150.00. my last payment is july 2015. is there anything i should do after the last

payment is made. i keep all my cancelled checks. had meeting with judge in april 2015 to show

him all my documents. thank you


You'll want to have a satisfaction of judgment filed. It will be signed by the person to whom you've been making the payments. You'll probably get stuck for the filing fee.



Hi, I agree with the answer my colleague gave you. The only thing I would add is to arrange for a simultaneous exchange - the last payment in exchange for a Satisfaction of Judgment in recordable form. Otherwise, you will be running after the Judgment Creditor for the Satisfaction piece.

Kindest regards,


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