Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My sister is holding on to the remainder of my our parents estate, in their account where she is the only co-signature. She, a year ago, sai...


My sister is holding on to the remainder of my our parents estate, in their account where she is the only co-signature. She, a year ago, said she was keeping $500 for bills and will give it to you in six months if there are no bills. She paid my moms medication bill, assisted living rent and phone/cable bill from our moms trust...she transfered money and wrote checks she mailed. Can she now say she is keeping the money for payment for dealing with the trust...though it amounted to paying a few bills a month?


Whether her charges for acting as trustee are reasonable and appropriate are subject to review by the court. Contact an attorney specializing in trust and estate matters to assist you about how to have the court do that to protect all trust beneficiaries.

My friend is 21 and i am 18 she wants to give temporary custody to me of her son of 9 months because she has tow counts of child neglect and...


My friend is 21 and i am 18 she wants to give temporary custody to me of her son of 9 months because she has tow counts of child neglect and i was wondering if she can do that?


There are serious implications. I suggest that she and you consult in person with an attorney.

What are the main four ways how cross-cultural teams come together?

What are the main four ways how cross-cultural teams come together?
on a business

My husband and I have been having marital problems for approximately a year. He has signed a lease with his female friend. The rent agreemen...


My husband and I have been having marital problems for approximately a year. He has signed a lease with his female friend. The rent agreement was based mainly upon his income. However, now that he wants to leave and return home she will not move out and when he has attempted to get his things to move back to our home. she becomes confrontational. She has threatened to injure herself and call the police on him. We would like to know what legal steps can he take to vacate the premises and lease?


Your husband should ask a Police officer to accompany him when he retrieves his belongings. This is a common practice, where the other party has threatened physical violence. However, this will not extra care him from his liability on the lease he signed. He will need to have an attorney read his lease to see assess his early termination options.

Good luck

What things were invented between 2000 and 2008?

What things were invented between 2000 and 2008?
The iPod is one thing that was invented between 2000 and 2008.

I have been summoned to court for charges regarding interference with law enforcement (giving false information) and two minor traffic infra...


I have been summoned to court for charges regarding interference with law enforcement (giving false information) and two minor traffic infractions. The initial ticket (traffic) was signed and ticketed to "Jane Doe". Within weeks though, I received an arrest warrant with the charges of interference with LEO and the traffic infractions. "Jane Doe" was able to dodge the traffic violations by placing me as the guilty party and was able to do so with little legal action and law enforcement interaction (docs. prints. ID. ect.). Simply by calling and pointing the finger at me. "Jane Doe" is not facing any charges or summons to court or any legal pressure. How can I be so easily accused/charged with no proof of these actions?


I'm not sure if there were Alias tickets written for Jane Doe, or your use of Jane Doe was to not divulge an actual person's identity. It seems that your ultimate question is "How can I be accused of a crime, based upon the statement by "Jane Doe" that I was the person who committed it?" If the Police believe that a crime or violation has been committed, and a citizen tells them that they saw someone do it, they are likely to pursue that someone. The criminal can do this to try to avoid prosecution. It happens unfortunately too many times. I've seen minor grandsons pursued because their grandfather pointed authorities to them and away from himself.

Being accused or even prosecuted for a crime, does not equate to being found guilty of that crime. The State must still prove its case, unless you fail to defend. You may contact me via email if you wish for legal representation to defend you from these charges. If you do not use my services, I suggest that you consult directly with a criminal defense attorney, long before your hearing date. These conviction could cost you jobs, higher insurance premiums, and/or damage your credit.

Good luck

What are the release dates for Thurston - 2011 Hell Is Empty - 1.9?

What are the release dates for Thurston - 2011 Hell Is Empty - 1.9?
Thurston - 2011 Hell Is Empty - 1.9 was released on:

USA: 1 September 2012