Tuesday, April 28, 2015

divorce paper reads: husband shall be entitled to claim child A as a dependent on his income tax returns. wife shall each be entitled to cla...


divorce paper reads: husband shall be entitled to claim child A as a dependent on his income tax returns. wife shall each be entitled to claim child B as a dependent on her income tax returns. upon one child remaining, husband shall have the right to readdress the issue of the tax dependency exemptions. Q: can he just announce that he is claiming child B for 2014 tax return??? He should have claimed child A on his 2013 return, this would have been the last year he could claim child A.


Your post and 'quote' is not entirely clear and an attorney assisting you will want to review the divorce decree. Despite the ambiguities, the wording your present seems to be somewhat straightforward. Tricia Dwyer Esq ph 612-296-9666 Minnesota Divorce Attorneys Minnesota Post-Divorce Legal Issues Attorneys Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC

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