Saturday, April 25, 2015

A snow plow dumped some snow on top of my mother, who was standing behind her car, not in the middle of the street. She fell over, but she d...


A snow plow dumped some snow on top of my mother, who was standing behind her car, not in the middle of the street. She fell over, but she did not receive any major injuries. The snow plow did not stop, and she did not get the license plate number. Is there anything she could do about this, or is she best off just forgetting about it?


Not sure what you mean by your questions "Is there anything she could do about this?" She can:

1. Find out from her community who was operating a plow and yell at the guy.

2. Find out from her community who was operating the plow and report it to his boss.

3. Write a letter to the editor.

4. Go to the legislative body of her community and try to get the driver fired.

If your questions really is "Can she sue someone about this?", if she is not injured, I do not see why she would bother. I doubt the action was intentional, and if she is uninjured the financial recovery would be minimal.

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