Friday, February 27, 2015

Can a parent become an attorney adlitem for their minor child in New MexicoCan a custodial parent file to protect their minor childs civil r...


Can a parent become an attorney adlitem for their minor child in New Mexico

Can a custodial parent file to protect their minor childs civil rights in the parents divorceif the non custodial parent is not acting in the minors best interest


Only a licensed attorney can represent another in the courts of New Mexico. That includes relatives, spouses, children and others. If there has been a divorce, the court retains continuing jurisdiction over minor children, and can be petitioned to make changes to the Decree or issue other orders in the best interests of the child upon proper application by one authorized to do so. A party may file her/his own application for modification, which can include matters related to the child, but may not represent the child as an attorney.

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