Thursday, February 26, 2015

I had decelerations with labor. Doctor gave cervadil and pitocin. I arrived at the hospital on Sunday evening. Only dialated to 7 cm by Tues...


I had decelerations with labor. Doctor gave cervadil and pitocin. I arrived at the hospital on Sunday evening. Only dialated to 7 cm by Tuesday morning. Doctor finally ordered an emergency cesarean. There was terminal meconium at delivery. Initially she had trouble eating and had seizures later that night. She had significant apnea episodes. She also had cerebral edema. She was diagnosed with hie and pvl. Do I have a case.


You might have a case but the only way to know is to contact an experienced birth injury law firm and have your medical records reviewed by an expert. Feel free to call my office on Monday. I have a full time nurse on staff to assist.

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