Saturday, February 28, 2015

I will be married 40 years this year and haven't worked out of the home. I am taking care of my mother in hospice with Alzheimer's. I am the...


I will be married 40 years this year and haven't worked out of the home. I am taking care of my mother in hospice with Alzheimer's. I am the only living child. She has a house that is paid for and I have 4000.00 in a bank account with my son. Looks like divorce is inevitable. Would he be entitled to money if I sold the house, to any of the money in the account? Would I get alimony if I have money in the bank? Or any of his 401 k(17,000.00) or retirement?


The questions you posed are too complicated to answer via this forum. Contact my office and i would be happy to give you general information in regard to these subjects. However, in regard to separate property do not comingle funds that you wish to keep separate.

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