Saturday, February 28, 2015

Is child support granted in shared parenting situations when each parent has equal time with the child


Is child support granted in shared parenting situations when each parent has equal time with the child


You have asked this question multiple times. There is no easy answer. I reviewed the PA child support guidelines and they do not expressly take into account the time each parent spends with a child. There are various methods that allow for some deviation but which of the methods the court in your county would use I cannot say. It would be best if you talked this over with a family law attorney who practices in the county where the child lives most of the time. The attorney can then determine if the time each parent spends with the child is truly equal.

While time is obviously a factor, in PA child support is based on the child support guidelines (unless you are in a unique high income situation). If the guidelines apply the courts will look at the income earned or earning capacity of both parents and see how many children are involved and arrive at a number.

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