Monday, March 23, 2015

An employee sent libelous allegations to my supervisor alleging hostile management style (e.g. derogatory comments, unprofessional behavior)...


An employee sent libelous allegations to my supervisor alleging hostile management style (e.g. derogatory comments, unprofessional behavior). What support should I expect from management and what should my next steps be to protect myself regarding a lawsuit and my employment?


Keep copies of all documentation of your complaint is a safe place such as your home. If your complaint is based on a protected status such as age, race, sex discrimination (orientation, unequal treatment and a victim of unwanted sexual advances), national origin etc. and you are terminated for making such complaints, you may have a lawsuit against your employer for unlawful workplace discrimination. If the complaint does not fall into any of the mentioned or similar categories it is unlikely that you will have a claim against your employer if you are fired. Finally, what I am guessing is that you are concern that you may be subject to a defamation lawsuit by your supervisor or employer. In a nutshell, the laws do not support such a claim as you describe in an employer-employee relationship. Good luck.

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