can a mother stop a father from seeing his child
This is a very simple question that has, unfortunately, a very complicated answer. Generally speaking, no, one parent cannot prevent another parent from having access to their child. However, there are certain circumstances under which this access--which can mean in-person contact as well as telephone, email, pictures, etc.--can be ordered to be restricted, supervised or even denied entirely. The most obvious is where there have been allegations or, more strongly, a conviction for child abuse, child molestation, neglect or any other harm by the parent toward the child. A less direct one is a parent who has alcohol or drug addiction problems that may affect their ability to safely or effectively parent. Sometimes also a parent gives up their parental rights because they don't want the responsibility; this is a legal proceeding and requires a court order. Such parents need to remember though that they are still responsible for providing financially for the child and a child support order can still be enforced against them. If you are at all concerned for the immediate safety of your child, call 911 or 1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445). Otherwise, you will need to file something with a court so a judge can assess whether it is necessary to intervene to protect your child. Best of luck!
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