Thursday, March 19, 2015

I have a cvil suit against a person in the supreme court and the judge hasnt made a decision yet and its been almst 1 year. What do i do?


I have a cvil suit against a person in the supreme court and the judge hasnt made a decision yet and its been almst 1 year. What do i do?


What kind of case is it? And what are you awaiting a decision on - a motion or something like that? If your lawsuit was only started a year ago then your case may still be in the discovery phase. I would need a lot more information in order to give you a better idea of whether your case is moving along slower, faster or just at the right pace. Feel free to shoot me an email if you wish to discuss this matter privately. My email is [email protected]/* */ Wish you all the best.

Yours truly,

Michael Krigsfeld, Esq.


If you are represented by an attorney and/or self, contact the judge's chambers, speak to the law secretary and inquire about the delay. If no response, proceed to the courtroom on any conference scheduled date and speak to the court personnel directly. Make sure you have the caption and index no. handy so the system can be checked.

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