Friday, March 20, 2015

I have an Egyptian Arabian mare that I need to find a home for. She is worth about $20,000. I would like to have a write in contest with an ...


I have an Egyptian Arabian mare that I need to find a home for. She is worth about $20,000. I would like to have a write in contest with an entry fee. I would ask for an essay explaining why the contestant should get the horse and what they would do with her if they were chosen. Is such a contest legal in Kansas? What about offering the contest nationwide?


The entry fee us the issue. One can give away their property. In situations of unique items, they can have such a essay process. But, proceeds from the process take it out of gift realm and out it into money making a venture (even if the cists outweigh the total entry fees submitted.).

The pragmatic question, is who us likely to complain? Would it be someone who paid and didn't win, a taxing agency, or some nonprofit organization that thinks you infringed on their territory?

If the entry fee is nominal like $2-5, the entrant that loses would just have to be forewarned about the use of the entry fees, and some general guidelines by which the winner will he chosen.

If it is a taxing agency, Luke URS or JS Dept of Revenue, they'll need an accounting as to how the funds were held and spent. Mist likely, they would need to be addressed in your tax return.

If it is a nonprofit, it will likely be because you didn't use your real name in advertising the contest. Or, you referenced them or sijebsimilar group, which might mislead the.public.

Before you do thus contest, you should consult directly with an attorney in your area.

Good luck

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