Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I sold a vehicle to someone with contract and bill of sale. On the contract he gave me 1000 down and he was to pay me 300.oo per month. 2 we...


I sold a vehicle to someone with contract and bill of sale. On the contract he gave me 1000 down and he was to pay me 300.oo per month. 2 weeks later he was arrested for driving without a license. He had not transfered title & registration so vehicle was still in my name. Since vehicle was towed by police I had to retrieve it. When I got vehicle out of tow, I amended contract saying if he does not get drivers license, title, registration, @nd insurance in this name by a specific date I would repossess vehicle and he would have to pay vehicle in full to get vehicle. He did not get any by date and I repossessed vehicle. Now he was to sue me for return of deposit. Wondering if I followed all the right procedures with having everything in writing and what should I do?


You amended it? There's no such thing. A change in a contract would require BOTH of you. It sounds like you screwed up very badly. Get a lawyer. You didn't sell the car properly on day one and may have broken the law in not transferring the title,. A lawyer at that time would have warned you. This will cost you far more than it would have then.


Glen is absolutely correct

You may also be charged with auto theft, etc, now

Hire a great lawyer who handles both civil and criminal matters IMMEDIATELY

The cost to you, now, probably far exceeds anything you would have received from the sale of your car

Good luck


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