Monday, March 23, 2015

In 2012 I got side swiped by a bus making a left turn. I decided to call a lawyer rather than my insurance company because I had an under bo...


In 2012 I got side swiped by a bus making a left turn. I decided to call a lawyer rather than my insurance company because I had an under body Strain that caused me to miss work. Long story short, I was instructed to go to a chiropractor twice a week. After my last session I recieved a call saying that they can't take the case because basically its not worth there time. I recently recieved the Medical bills from the chiropractor and my question is am I responsible for the bills?


Based upon the few facts you provided, you are liable to the Chiropractor for the bills of services actually performed. The bus company may be liable to you for recompense of those bills and for your pain a suffering. IT is unclear whether you had engaged the lawyer you called. if you did, they may not be able to just refuse to act any further without your permission. They may still be your attorneys. But, depending upon your agreement, they may be excused from incurring any more expenses in the representation of you. You said they advised you to go see a chiropractor, did you sign anything with the law firm? Did they send you any letters? or emails? Once engaged, a lawyer cannot always disengage without repercussions. If you saw a chiropractor twice a week for nearly three years, you've accumulated substantial medical bills. Unless there is an issue as to liability in the collision, or the propriety of some of the treatments, some attorney will take this case. If the chiropractor you saw was the one that the law firm told you to, they may have to keep your case, or assist with the bills. You should probably get second opinion from another civil practice attorney in your area. Take all the relevant documents and go see one.

Good luck

Good luck

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