Monday, March 23, 2015

Legal age in Texas to leave home in the year 2015


Legal age in Texas to leave home in the year 2015


Simple question - complicated answer. Some of the highlights: Runaway is a juvenile status offense. It only applies persons under the age of 17. Once a person turns 17, they are subject to the criminal laws. UNLESS, the juvenile court's jurisdiction was previously invoked and there are juvenile court orders restricting the child's residence.

If the child has been before municipal or JP court for any reason, there may be a court order outstanding which affects residence.

If the parents of the child are separated or divorced; or if CPS has been involved; then the residence of the child is probably restricted until age 18 at a minimum.

If the child has sought removal of disabilities of minority, then may have the right to leave before the age of 17/18. The is true of marriage as well.

If you have any questions, pay a lawyer for a consultation, discuss all of the issues, and make a decision. Many attorneys will charge appx $100 for a half-hour consultation. Good luck.

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