Thursday, March 19, 2015

My 20 year old son has Asperger syndrome, and attended a university near my hometown. He received a large scholarship to go there. We made t...


My 20 year old son has Asperger syndrome, and attended a university near my hometown. He received a large scholarship to go there. We made the university very aware of his condition, even sat down with the dean of student life to discuss his disorder. He violated none of the student handbook bylaws, but behaved as most aspies do....he fixated and obsessed on what his task at hand was. He was put in jail for having a meltdown(which is their defense mechanism for real or perceived fears) because he forgot to wear his flip flops into the cafeteria, trying to get a cup of coffee. We had made the university aware of his special needs, and they assured us they would accomodate him and help him adjust. He adjusted by getting put in jail and doing community service for criminal trespassing.

He was also suspended from school after his second semester there, just for being weird and different. My son is truly gifted, but he is mentally handicapped, especially when you threaten to tazer him for a cup of coffee! I feel my son has really been given the run around by this university, because he doesn't fit their prototypical image. He is only guilty of being autistic. What should I do? Please help us! The university and the so-called psychiatrist that we visited to accomodate their demands only got us left out in the cold. I need help pursuing what I perceive as gross injustice, and I believe, his constitutional rights.


This is a very complex situation. My advice is to call Justin Thompson at Cathedral Justice Project. Here is his number 713.220.9783. If he is unable to help personally -he will be able to get you with someone who will. I am saddened this still happens in the US.

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