Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My previous landlord is suing me for past rent I was sent a subpoena from the court do I have too appear


My previous landlord is suing me for past rent I was sent a subpoena from the court do I have too appear


In Ohio, the litigants of a case do not get subpoenas, they get a summons to appear in court to answer the complaint that is filed against them. Your former landlord likely sued you in the local small claims court for the amount, and there is no a court date set for you to appear to contest the matter if you wish.

If you do not show up, the landlord will likely take a default judgment against you for the amount he is seeking. Small claims court in Ohio now has a jurisdictional limit of $3,000.00 so the amount can't be any higher than that unless he goes to the regular division of municipal court or to the court of common pleas.

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