Sunday, April 27, 2014

Can I sue my landlord if my rent is paid until the end of May and while I was home visiting he went in my apartment numerous times, threw th...


Can I sue my landlord if my rent is paid until the end of May and while I was home visiting he went in my apartment numerous times, threw things away, emptied my fridge, turned off the water, turned off the heat, changed the locks, took some of my items and never registered the apartments so they are illegal. The circuit breakers kept going off, and my bed was unmade, which I left made. This is zoned single family residential and he converted his house into three apartments. I was left virtually homeless and all of my stuff was in there. It was 36 degrees in there when I was finally let back in by the maintennace person. My stuff was frozen and he took down curtains, emptied my fish tank, and just went through my stuff at free will since I was out of town.


Yes, sounds like an illegal eviction to me. Small claims court may be in order.

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