Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Is it possible for my mom to remain in the country after being arrested for larceny from the person? she stole a wallet that was left at a s...


Is it possible for my mom to remain in the country after being arrested for larceny from the person? she stole a wallet that was left at a store and she didn't go to court so they put a warrant out for her arrest and they caught her. she didn't go to court because she didn't want to get deported and leave me here while i was sick. I am a 5 year cancer patient post transplant for Leukemia ALL and she is the one who takes me to the doctor, my dad is in mexico so its very important the she remains here! could her chances of remaining here improve because what i have explained? And can anybody help?


Good morning. There might be help for your mother but under very specific circumstances. I would need a lot more information. For example, how old are you? What is your current prognosis? What is your immigration status? Has your mom had any immigration status in the U.S. before? Is her criminal trial over? Please call me at (248) 619-0065 for free consultation.

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