Monday, April 28, 2014

Hello, suggested I contact you to ask a question. I am in asset recovery based in Florida, found some assets in Arkansas that...


Hello, suggested I contact you to ask a question. I am in asset recovery based in Florida, found some assets in Arkansas that belong to my client who is located in Alabama. I wanted to purchase the finders fee form but which state form should I use in this situation? Also, do you review documents and make minor changes? How much would those fees be? Thanks in advance.


First, this forum consists of multiple private attorneys, and services are not typically provided through the forum. If you need to engage the services of an individual lawyer you can browse lawyer profiles on this site, or any of several other sites that provide lawyer profiles. You can also check the Florida Bar's attorney referral service.

As to your question, typically the recovery form needed for recovering unclaimed assets would be the form of the state where the assets are located. As for your fees for this recovery, barring some state statute in another location, I would suggest the contract would be between you and the beneficiary and that contract should contain language indicating the state's law the parties intend to be bound by. If the contract doesn't specify a selection of laws then typically the law in the location where the contract was entered into or the location where services where provided would be the controlling law. With multi-state business relationships for internet or remote services, it could be tricky to determine which laws would control without a written contract designating the laws the parties are bound by.

I typically suggest the business performing the work should use the law and location where they are physically located whenever possible.

Finally, I am not aware of any state specific form for what you have described. A service contract should be specific to the services and parties involved. There may be numerous examples available on the internet, but I doubt you will find a "form" that contains everything you need.

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