Monday, April 28, 2014

I received a letter in the mail a bout two weeks ago from a lawyer about reviving a judgment that was placed against me some years ago. The ...


I received a letter in the mail a bout two weeks ago from a lawyer about reviving a judgment that was placed against me some years ago. The judgment was for breaking a lease from when I was arrested and sent to federal prison. The judgment went dormant due to the time that has passed. I did attempt to contact the lawyer who was on the case for the plaintiff but never any correspondence back. So fast forward to present I contacted the property management company that I owed and they told me that they never authorized this lawyer to attempt to collect on their behalf due to them no longer being the property management group and them turning everything over to a new group a number of years ago. The thing is the new group know nothing of the debt and the old group who I owe said its not their concern because they don't management the property any longer. The lawyer who has filed against me has done it on behalf of the old group who has not authorized it and is also not the original lawyer on the case. How can I get this dismissed in court?


I filed a Motion to Deem the Judgment dead in a similar case to yours. In that case it was a dormant judgment lien. In order to purchase a home the lien had to be cleared. While I didn't get all the way to court because we settled prior to hearing the motion, it might be one of your only shots. The only other recommendation for removing the judgment permanently is to file for bankruptcy protection.

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