Friday, April 25, 2014

In May of 2014, I signed a one year lease with a pair of people who live in Orlando. I was working for Universal at the time and needed an a...


In May of 2014, I signed a one year lease with a pair of people who live in Orlando. I was working for Universal at the time and needed an apartment to live in to go to work, so I signed the lease alongside them. About a month into the lease, I made a decision to leave Orlando and move back home to Jacksonville so that I could be with my girlfriend. I left a note, packed up, and left the complex. Every month since, I have payed portions of the rent if not half the rent to tide them over until they could find a replacement roommate. It's now January 2015, they haven't found a roommate, and are currently threatening a lawsuit if I can't pay them 2000, as they claim its the difference in rent I haven't paid in the past. What should I do and what legal responsibility do I have fir this amount they claimed to have calculatedf?


Your lease agreement controls your responsibilities. Impossible to answer any of your inquiries without seeing the lease. Hire an attorney to review and advise.

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