Thursday, November 27, 2014

I have lived in a mobile home park for 18 years. It has had several owners since then. There have been many managers since the last people t...


I have lived in a mobile home park for 18 years. It has had several owners since then. There have been many managers since the last people that bought it. We have a 9 year old dog that obviously has some Rottweiler in her. We had her before the previous owners. We were told at one point we would have to get a million dollar insurance on her and we did. Now we have new managers and we were given 3 days to get rid of her or we will be served eviction papers to be out in 30 day. Do we have any rights? We are not under a lease it would be time to sign a new one. It just doesn't seem right...


Based upon the few facts you provided, it appears that you do not have to leave in three days. But, you will likely need to get rid of the dog, or move soon.. Your new owner does not have to enter into a new lease with you, if they don't want to.

Good luck

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