Thursday, November 27, 2014

My wife and myself are getting ready to file a joint simplified divorce in Illinois. We qualify under all the guidelines Except part of the ...


My wife and myself are getting ready to file a joint simplified divorce in Illinois. We qualify under all the guidelines Except part of the income rule. The rule states that neither party can have a gross income over $20,000 and a combined income of over $35,000....I am disabled and receive Social Security with a gross of $22,000, my wife has a gross income close to $7000. That is below the upper threshold. We both want this over as quick as we can, so we can go on, a regular divorce would take forever and cost a lot more--- I asked the county clerk off the record if she thought that the $$$ issue would be a problem and she said "shes never seen a divorce get denied because you made too much money" and it prob won't be a issue... Do you think are we "screwed" because of that little technicality or it would be ok?


The Joint-Simplified only saves you money as it relates to the filing fee. Everything else is the same. If you don't qualify, just file for divorce as you would normally do. Worse case scenario, you pay an extra $100 or so.

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