Monday, February 23, 2015

my ex filed something with the court saying that I had someone impersonate a police officer in response to a call is this slander and do I h...


my ex filed something with the court saying that I had someone impersonate a police officer in response to a call is this slander and do I have a case


Slander is verbal defamation and libel is written defamation. If someone states that you committed a crime (and they were at least negligent in stating it) and all the other necessary elements of defamation are satisfied then you would have a case. However, in order to prove defamation you have to be able to prove all of the elements of defamation. As to whether you might have a case, an attorney would need to evaluate all the facts of your situation. There is also the matter of whether it is even worth filing a case even if you have a valid one.

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