Sunday, February 22, 2015

My grandfather died and had a living trust. He had named my great uncle as trustee. when he died I was told by my accountant that my cousin ...


My grandfather died and had a living trust. He had named my great uncle as trustee. when he died I was told by my accountant that my cousin was In charge. I have re received no paper work stating such.. Could this be legally done?

I put my kids on my living trust!

When I asked for a raise in amount of money I receive I was told no there was no money for a raise for me. I have no money. My cousin against what I have said have issued big sums of money to my kids. If money isn't mine why do I have to sign paperwork releasing money they have given my kids. On income tax return I had to sign saying money they gave to my kids was part of my income. Although I never had that money to begin with.

When I ask for a copy of anything I am denied. When I'm requested to sign paperwork it's always in a rush. Although I see him once a week. They don't want me to leave with paperwork and return it next day. Always had to be signed then and there and no copy given to me!

When I ask questions the answers always change!

They had me sign paperwork stating that when's mother dies her trust money she's leaving me will go directly into my trust. I asked why? I was told so my cousin couldn't hold it up. When I asked at a later date how long if money goes right into my trust how long before I could get to it. He now say 15 months to two years. This doesn't sound right to me!

I was suppose to receive the money that's in a living trust from my grandfather

when I turned 40. I am now 52. I don't believe their being honest with me cause any questions I ask their answers are always different. If they answer at all. Many times just get irritated and change subject. They refuses to give me copy of trust or even see it. They refuse to tell me how much money is there or anything to do with it. Tell me to be happy with what I get!

When I hired an attorney to write a letter requesting a copy of trust and accounting of it. Which I understand is my right. They refused. They then proceeded to call attorney I hired to write letter and told straight up lies about me. Slenderizing my character and told lies as to how money is set up and where it came from. Changing attorneys attitude towards me.

They will not give me large sums of money because they know I would use it to obtain an attorney.

I know if I had a copy of said trust I could obtain a lawyer on contingency cause they would see my money is denied me unlawfully.

What do u suggest I do?!


You are entitled to a copy of the trust if you are a beneficiary.

Take the letter your attorney wrote, and the letter you received from the other side, and go meet with another attorney. Competent counsel will understand that people write and say things in these initial exchanges of letters. Also explain your concerns about your trust and what might happen when your mother passes away.

You do not want to receive advice in a public forum like this, because of a lack of confidentiality. No good attorney would provide it without reviewing your documents and speaking personally to you, in any event.

Time is not your friend here. You need to be taking action now.

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