Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My grandmothers ex boyfriend tried to sell me a motorcycle before moving to Hawaii, he told me there was nothing wrong with it and just had ...


My grandmothers ex boyfriend tried to sell me a motorcycle before moving to Hawaii, he told me there was nothing wrong with it and just had a bunch of work done to it. He said besides minor cosmetic dammage it runs great. As soon as I have it in my possession and he is long gone to Hawaii I find out there's all kinds of problems with it, like it had been very over filled with motor oil, slipping clutch, damaged front rim, the list goes on with smaller issues.. I did not sign a title, start paying for, or even sign any kind of bill of sale towards this bike because of this issue. He's insisted that I try to sell it for him and there's no title, we are in the process of trying to get it. He owns another house pretty close to me, that is still in his name and he owns, which the motorcycle is registered to and everything. However his friend is renting it out from him, but considering he lied to me I feel like just taking the motorcycle back to his place which its registered to and completely dropping the situation. Because his friend is renting the place, would it be illegal to just drop it back off there even though the bike is registered to that place and it would have been there anyways had I not tried to buy it?


You could do that, but I would suggest you write him a letter advising him that you rescind any agreement to purchase based on the misrepresentations he has made. You will be redelivering the bike to his home at location and assume you will no longer be responsible for anything related to the bike.

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