Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My wife has legal guardianship of two of our grandkids in Missouri. We are wanting to add me to it for medical and legal reasons and can't f...


My wife has legal guardianship of two of our grandkids in Missouri. We are wanting to add me to it for medical and legal reasons and can't find any answers as to how to accomplish this


It is unclear what legal reason, you would want your wife to become your guardian, if you are able to make decisions for yourself. Most medical providers will allow a spouse to make medical decisions, if the patient cannot. Perhaps you meant that you want to become a Coguardian of the grandkids. But, there also seems to be no legal necessity of doing this either. I am not a doctor, but it isn't apparent what medical reason there would be to add or change guardians, if your wife is still willing and able to serve. Perhaps you should seek assistance from the attorney that told you have a legal reason to have the guardianship modified.

Good luck

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