Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What could be a possible outcome with a petty theft and drug equip or use charge for a minor who has already done the diversion program with...


What could be a possible outcome with a petty theft and drug equip or use charge for a minor who has already done the diversion program with a passed felony charge? She was recommended a rehabilitation program (level 4) spent 60 days and we discharged her. The program is initially a 4-6 month program; However she is sober and doing all the right things. Will they suspend her license? This is in the state of Florida. (The petty theft was stealing cough suppressants). She was only "recomended" by Southwest Florida Addiction Services but not ordered. We put her in there voluntarily. What could be a possible outcome? Please no critisism I am taking all measures to help my daughter. Thankyou.

She also has an aggravated stalking charge for a 3rd degree felony in the passed that made worldwide media attention. She got a slap on the wrist with a diversion program thank god, and the charges were not brough upon. She is now being charged with the petty theft/ drug equip or use.


Your post is somewhat confusing in that I'm not sure what she has pending. The petit theft charge is usually a misdemeanor unless she has 2 priors. But the drug charge could be a felony or misdemeanor depending on the specific charge. If you mean a drug paraphernalia charge, that is one thing, but possession of most drugs (except small amounts of marijuana) are all felonies. So I can't properly answer your question without more information. You should contact an attorney in the area where this happened, give more details to them, and then you will have a better idea of the outcome.

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