Saturday, March 21, 2015

A friend husband passed away about 10 years ago without a will. They had purchased a lot in Florida when he was stationed there. She now liv...


A friend husband passed away about 10 years ago without a will. They had purchased a lot in Florida when he was stationed there. She now lives in North Carolina. The lot is in his name only. How does she get her name on the title so she can sell it.


We need to open a formal estate administration in the county where the lot is located. If they were married at the time of death, the wife should be able to take title. Please contact my office to discuss the matter further 561-961-5462.


Summary Administration will be required in the county where the property is located. This is a simpler procedure.

Formal Administration is not required because it is over 2 years since the death.

For more help, please call me at 888-475-1732.


Cudos to Mr. Kaplan. He is correct.

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