Sunday, March 22, 2015

I bought a car on eBay ) I am in NY - the car dealer is in FL). they are taking 2 of my cars as trade ins. The dealer said he is sending a t...


I bought a car on eBay ) I am in NY - the car dealer is in FL). they are taking 2 of my cars as trade ins. The dealer said he is sending a truck to get my 2 cars and I am to overnight him my 2 titles and balance of $27K to finish the deal. Upon receipt of my 2 cars and the paperwork/payment, he will send me my car on a transport to NY. Do I have exposure here? Is there a better way to do this? I am concerned about getting ripped off since they are out of state and I have not done this type of deal before so concerned about putting my car on his transporter. We made the deal yesterday (Fri) and he is telling me a truck will be here tomorrow (Sun) so I need to get quick answer


You have to make sure you are dealing with a long standing and reputable dealer; do an online search. Second, it is best to put everything in writing, no different than any contract. Third, you always have a choice of having your cars driven to Florida and make a face to face transaction, considering the amount of money involved.

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