Friday, March 20, 2015

My husband is in Arizona federal detention center being charged with a gun possession that is 2012 Him and his friend was pulle...


My husband is in Arizona federal detention center being charged with a gun possession that is 2012 Him and his friend was pulled over in l.a. he was driving the friends car, the friend had a gun in the trunk he knew nothing about when the police ask if they had any weapons the friend stated she had two firearms in the trunk in a lockbox that were registered to her. The guns were confiscated subject further inquiry and My husband got a ticket for driving without a now january 2015 he was pulled over in Sacramento where we live and arrested on a fed hold only to find out he had a warrant from 2014 federal indictment on a gun possession charge. The last he heard of the case the female friend of his was going to court for this gun possession do to no Permit.she purchased and possessed them without his knowLedge. my question is how can they indict him on gun possession when he had nothing to do with these guns and the friend admitted they were hers and fought her case for two years. Even if the friend tried to pin it on my husband to get herself out of trouble they have no proof to back this charge and they haven't submitted any evidence so how can they hold him


Federal gun charges are usually case specific. If you'd like to call me during business hours, I suspect that I could get additional information that could assist you. I've handled many federal cases over the past three decades.

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