Thursday, April 23, 2015

A friend moved his family into a newer house last June. His wife still has a lot of her things and several animals in the old house. He cann...


A friend moved his family into a newer house last June. His wife still has a lot of her things and several animals in the old house. He cannot get the old house cleaned and remodeled to rent or sell it with all of her stuff still in it. She seems to have an attachment to the old house and won't leave it. She lives in the new house but, spends time in the old house each day. She does not work and it is costing her husband a lot of money paying two house payments each month. What can he do?


He needs to discuss this with his wife. This is not so much a legal question, unless he is contemplating divorce, as it is a question regarding how he should handle his relationship with his wife. If a discussion does not result in a resolution, perhaps counseling or mediation might help.

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