Wednesday, April 22, 2015

aUpon the passing of my boyfriend I became owner of the home in which we had lived . His home owner insurance was good for another 6 months ...



Upon the passing of my boyfriend I became owner of the home in which we had lived . His home owner insurance was good for another 6 months , There was a kitchen fire 2 months after his death and insu co is refusing to cover damages due to I was not on insu paper work.


If the premises are the insured premises there should be coverage for the loss. Did your boyfriend have a will? Was his estate probated? Were you the beneficiary of the estate? Were you the executor of his estate? How did the property get into your name? By deed from the estate? These are all questions that need to be answered in order to really know. Plus, the insurance policy language needs to be studied. I think there is a meritorious claim here somewhere but would need to know the answers to these questions, and others, to be certain what action to take.

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