Thursday, April 23, 2015

I am a non tenant occupant of a rent stabilized apartment left to me by legal tenant who resides somewhere else. Received a landlords intent...


I am a non tenant occupant of a rent stabilized apartment left to me by legal tenant who resides somewhere else. Received a landlords intention to refuse to renew lease and commence proceedings to recover premises at the end of lease contract on March 31, 2015. The reason given is upon information and belief tenant of record to have vacated apartment to another address without utilizing apartment as their residence for a period of at least 185 days during the one year period preceding the expiration date of the current lease. Can I legally make arrangement to occupy this apartment before this all plays out in court ?


If the landlord is willing to accept you as a tenant, then you can get a new lease. Otherwise, you will be moving. Landlord could have terminated the lease as an illegal sublet. That he has not done so offers some hope.

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