Monday, April 7, 2014

Can a staffing agency be a non profit? Even if it gets employees to work with other employers who are for profit?


Can a staffing agency be a non profit? Even if it gets employees to work with other employers who are for profit?


Dear Inquirer: Yes, so long as the non-profit corporation or LLC actually earns no profit at the end of the year, by applying income against expenses, including compensation to its principals and employees, etc. as defined in the statutes and regulations. A non-profit must conform to the Federal and state regulations applicable,and governing the creation and operation of a true non-profit corporation. Consult and retain experrienced legal counsel and accountants to advise you, and to avoid future problems. Good luck, God Bless....


J. Norman Stark, Attorney

Cleveland, Ohio

(216) 531-5310 Ext. 22

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