Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I have taken care of a friend with cancer for 2 years she passes2 weeks ago, she had no will just a paper she wrote with her wishes of what ...


I have taken care of a friend with cancer for 2 years she passes2 weeks ago, she had no will just a paper she wrote with her wishes of what she wanted to go to who and what she wanted done with her ashes, it was not witnessed of notarized ,now all of the sudden a niece has come from no where and going after her estate, another friend was power of atty, who found the letter with her wishes, can we file anything with the court after the niece goes for everything to abide by her wishes it not being witnessed or notarized or is it just a waste of our time. She had nothing to do with this niece or did she even like her. She owned her home and everything in it free and clear. I just want her wishes followed out so can I make them present this paper she wrote it not being witnessed or notarized Thanks


A paper with her wishes that is not properly witnessed under Indiana law means nothing. If you wish, you can contact an attorney and sit down with them to understand the significance of all that will now happen, but if you are not a relative, without a will you are not going to inherit anything.

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