Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I just had my social security disability hearing on 05/05/2011. After my testimony the judge asked the employment expert about me being capa...


I just had my social security disability hearing on 05/05/2011. After my testimony the judge asked the employment expert about me being capable of working and the response was no. Do the judge normally agree with what the employment expert says or do he go on his own judgement?


The judge is free to do what he wants to do. I have seen them ignore the testimony of the Vocational Expert both ways--when the VE said the person could work and when the VE said the person couldn't work. I hope you didn't go to the hearing without an attorney. That is really asking to get screwed. If you did go alone and you lose get an expert SS disability attorney pronto. It is possible to get an ALJ Decision that is adverse reversed by the SSA Appeals Council, but VERY few lawyers know how to handle a case at that level. If you lose call me and I will give you the name of such a lawyer in your area.

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