Wednesday, April 9, 2014

my mom got all her kids taken away when we were little and i got adopted by my grandma and me and my mom still stayed conected we saw eachot...


my mom got all her kids taken away when we were little and i got adopted by my grandma and me and my mom still stayed conected we saw eachother about once every month then my grandma died and my grandpa couldnt take care of me so now my aweful aunt is living with us and all i want to do is live with my mom because she got clean and she wants me to live with her to but my aunt wont let me because my aunt is my legal gardian and she wants to make me have a misrable is there anyway my mom could get me back


If you are a certain age you can emancipate yourself and request the court to allow you to live with your mother. However, you mother must be able to prove to a court that she is capable or supporting you financially and she can take care of your needs until you are 18 or older...if your care is a matter of the court.

To emancipate is to release (a child) from the control, support, and responsibility of a parent or guardian. Emancipation is the act by which one who was under another's power and control is freed. A surrender and enunciation of correlative rights and duties concerning the care,custody and earnings of a child; the act by which a parent (your grandfather) frees a child and gives the child the right to his or her own earnings. Emancipation (at the age of 16) may also take place by agreement between the parent and child, by the operation of law (as when the parent abandons or fails to support the child), or when the child gets legally married. If free to talk to an attorney and the courts. Especially if you emotional, physical or financial needs are not being met.

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