Sunday, April 20, 2014

My mother passed away when I was 16. My maternal Grandparents had me sign a paper, where I basically gave up my claim to my mothers property...


My mother passed away when I was 16. My maternal Grandparents had me sign a paper, where I basically gave up my claim to my mothers property. Her husband at he time of her death (my stepfather) is in ill health. Do I / Will I have a claim against his estate?


I have no idea what type of paper you could have signed at the age of 16 that would be binding. You would probably have no claim against your stepfather's estate. You didn't say if your grandmother was living. Simply too many questions to give you a response. You need to take speak with an attorney and provide all of the needed information needed to give you advice as to your rights.


If you signed that at age 16, it's void. You need to meet with an attorney about your mother's estate if she has passed (do that right away). You would not inherit from a step-father unless you are in his will.

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