Thursday, April 17, 2014

What is the likelihood of the judge ruling against the child advocate in the case where there is no abuse or miss treatment of the child. Th...


What is the likelihood of the judge ruling against the child advocate in the case where there is no abuse or miss treatment of the child. The child advocate is recommending removal of the child from the mothers home to you too he's saying he's lonely no other reason and granting the father custody.


Obviously no one can answer your post. First of all, no attorney is clairvoyant and predict what a judge will do (even with all the facts and we don't have those). Second no one here has read the report, or all the pleadings. The fact you posted here suggests that you have made a catastrophic mistake. Being in a custody case with no lawyer is almost a 100% guarantee you will be on the losing side, and if there is already a GAL, you are months overdue on hiring counsel. It may be too late, but retain counsel Monday.

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