Sunday, April 20, 2014

Why do some firms obtain grater value from their information system than others?

Why do some firms obtain grater value from their information system than others?
Information systems go beyond the mere capturing of data and their subsequent transformation to information, that is, processed data. Present day information systems deals with timeliness and fact reporting.Every organisation requires a very strong Information department which should continously work to send out quality amount of information at the right dosage and to the right person, place, market or Governments.Most firms fail to fully benefit from the information systems age because such organisations gives informatin to its publics but receive interractions from inappropriate quarters. Once this is the case, such organisations only promote information mismatch rather information management.People seek out new opportunities everyday and the hope to succeed in their quest hinges on the right type of information. Thus, only those organisations that knows exactly what the people want and are able to idenify these needs through their campaigns will obtain yhe greater value in the long run. Just few organiatins have been able to carve a niche for themselves in the ever growing markets flanked by increasing demands. What is their biggest secret? Right information for the right people in the right place and at the right time is their trademark secret. With this instrument at your finger tips, you will keep corporate failure at bay in a long, long time.Information systems go beyond the mere capturing of data and their subsequent transformation to information, that is, processed data. Present day information systems deals with timeliness and fact reporting.Every organisation requires a very strong Information department which should continously work to send out quality amount of information at the right dosage and to the right person, place, market or Governments.Most firms fail to fully benefit from the information systems age because such organisations gives informatin to its publics but receive interractions from inappropriate quarters. Once this is the case, such organisations only promote information mismatch rather information management.People seek out new opportunities everyday and the hope to succeed in their quest hinges on the right type of information. Thus, only those organisations that knows exactly what the people want and are able to idenify these needs through their campaigns will obtain the greater value in the long run. Just few organisations have been able to carve a niche for themselves in the ever growing markets flanked by increasing demands. What is their biggest secret? Right information for the right people in the right place and at the right time is their trademark secret. With this instrument at your finger tips, you will keep corporate failure at bay in a long, long time.IKISEH, FRANKLIN C.Information systems go beyond the mere capturing of data and their subsequent transformation to information, that is, processe

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