Saturday, October 25, 2014

How long does it take to get a court date in San Mateo, California? Spouse has an old bench warrant from 2000 for a failure to appear on 1 g...


How long does it take to get a court date in San Mateo, California? Spouse has an old bench warrant from 2000 for a failure to appear on 1 gram of cocaine possesion. The case was going to be dismissed, but she did not appear for final court hearing. She is not a US citizen and wants to fix this problem. I was wondering how long it would take to get a court date once an attorney filed for a motion to quash the warrant.


You need to contact an attorney right away to make sure your spouse is not picked up by the local authorities on a bench warrant and she would have more problems to deal with.

If you are interested in speaking to an experienced criminal defense attorney that can inform you of your rights and can competently represent your spouse's interests, contact our office at (888) 790-5053 and/or visit our website at

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