Friday, October 24, 2014

I was convicted in Harris county for theft, which to my understanding it was 1,500.00 but less than 20,000. I plead guilty and was sentenced...


I was convicted in Harris county for theft, which to my understanding it was 1,500.00 but less than 20,000. I plead guilty and was sentenced to 90 days in county jail serving 22 days. In court I plead the 1244a. I am not sure what this actually means. The debt was paid off, and I want to know if I can have this either concealed or expunged? I do work in the medical field and I am looking to continue my career in this field and this could be a hinderance. Would there be any resolution to this situation? I have not had any other troubles before nor after this. Please help me to understand what has and is happening.


Please check where you posted and post again. There is no Harris County in Indiana.

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