Saturday, October 25, 2014

I asked a question yesterday, is it to soon for an answer?


I asked a question yesterday, is it to soon for an answer?


LawGuru questions are answered by volunteer lawyers as a public service. Since they are posted anonymously there is no way for me to tell what question was yours. What I can tell you, however, is that I and most of the other attorneys pick and choose the questions we answer based on our own personal criteria. Some only answer questions that they think might lead to a client. Others, like myself answer those and other questions that seem to either allow us to give a clear and concise answer that will help someone, or that involve a topic that I think might be helpful to the public, since the questions and answers are public and searchable.

There are many questions, however, that I and others choose not to answer. They may be so badly worded that its impossible to make real sense about what the person needs to know. They may be about such trivial whiny things that they don't deserve an answer (seriously, someone once posted asking how to sue their brother for not returning a tool he borrowed). They may be too long and convoluted or so legally complex that they amount to trying to get legal advice they should pay for for free. You'd be surprised at how many we get that just read like a Google search, instead of a question. Many are posted in the wrong category so they go to lawyers who don't have the expertise to answer them. In short, there are lots of reasons a question is not appropriate for me to answer, and others who read it may think the same. There is no way for me to tell you what reason your question has not received an answer, but if you think you can improve it, you probably should do so and re-post it.

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