In the beginning of March I found a house I wanted to rent. I checked it out once and fell in love. I had one problem, the paint color. The landlord casually asked for the deposit when I told them I'd like to move in around April and I ignorantly agreed. I paid the deposit on a Friday without ever signing anything. Before I handed her the money I specifically said "In order for me to live there and pay the deposit I have to be able to paint the walls this color" and I showed her the sample of paint. She specifically said "you couldn't paint it, you would have to pay someone to paint it." I said "I can do that" expecting it to cost $300-$500 tops depending on who I hired. Again I was ignorant.I have only signed an application for the property. That is all. The deposit was $685. I am a waitress and this is a lot for me. The Monday after I paid the lease we went to see the house again for me to make a list of what is to be fixed before I moved in. She then revealed to me that I had no choice in who painted the walls. I had to use "her people". And it would be about $1000. The paint job previously done by her people was hideous and they obviously didn't use painters tape. I told her this and she said that those were the rules. I decided the next day that I didn't want to live there because I didn't want her as a landlord. She said I can only get my deposit back if she finds someone to move in by April 1st.
I absolutely need that money back. I signed no lease. My paying the deposit was calling dibs on the house until I did sign which would be after we negotiated what had to be fixed and if I agreed to what was being fixed THEN I would sign a lease. Again I would not be sure I wanted to move in until I read the lease and list of things that would be fixed thoroughly.
Does she owe me my money? How can I get it back? Please please please help me and thank you. She is a very difficult, rude woman.
If she won't give your deposit back, you have no option but to sue her. You can file a small claim without a lawyer. Call your local Justice of the Peace.
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