Friday, November 21, 2014

The electric circuitry in my apartment is linked with the apartment beneath us. Both apartments are required to pay for electricity in the l...


The electric circuitry in my apartment is linked with the apartment beneath us. Both apartments are required to pay for electricity in the leases we just signed but we cannot control how much the other apartment uses. Not only is this illegal (so I'm told) but the circuits keep on popping (at least once a day is average) which is the bigger problem.

Is there any way that the tenant can force the landlord to split up the circuitry? Meaning, if housing inspection comes and cites the landlord, is the landlord required to comply and split it up? What will typically happen?


Yes, you need to contact the Board of Health (or Inspectional Services) where you are. They will examine the electrical system and order repairs by the landlord. You can also send a copy of the report to your electrical company and they will initiate their own investigation under the relevant sections of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations.

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