Friday, December 19, 2014

I am attempting to collect security owed from my former landlords. I've already been awarded the monies form the court yet they have failed ...


I am attempting to collect security owed from my former landlords. I've already been awarded the monies form the court yet they have failed to pay. I've filed a transcript of judgment with the court and I've picked up the T439 form. The form requires the debtors SS# and place of employment, however they do not work and only collect social security and/or disability payments. Should I still complete the rest of the info on the form, or is there another way to try to collect monies owed?



T439 is the wrong form. If there are tenants in the space you can have the marshal levy on their rent payments and make the tenants pay you. There are other ways. Perhaps you will sell the building out from under them. Look at your old rent checks: where were they deposited? Serve a restraining notice on that bank and you will get their attention.

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