Friday, December 19, 2014

My husband's cousin and his wife have abandoned their 3 children, wife has been in jail almost a month now and husband is missing. Well the ...


My husband's cousin and his wife have abandoned their 3 children, wife has been in jail almost a month now and husband is missing. Well the kids stay with his aunt, whom has temporary custody over them at this time. We are wanting to adopt the youngest of the three. How do we go about this quickly? Also, my husband is in the Military, so we are in Rapid City SD and all of this is taking place in Rabun county Ga. Money is tight so, flying back and forth multiple times is an issue. Please help with any kind of advise if you can. Thank you!


You cannot adopt with the consent of one, or better yet, both parents. The adoption will likely be very hard without your presence since the court will order a home study and you, your husband and the child will have to appear in court. Speak to an adoption attorney in Rabun County. This cannot be done without counsel.


An adoption is too complicated a process to respond by a short post. If the parents do not consent, it will be more difficult. You really need to seek out an attorney in or around Rabun County who is knowledgeable about adoptions. You can probably set up a consult over the phone. I wouldn't even think about proceeding without an attorney.

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